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El Aleph

speculative design for the short story by Jorge Luis Borges

Borges narrates the story of an encounter with a point that holds all the points in the universe. The story is representative of the literary movement Realismo Magico found in Latin America as it combines fiction and reality, exploring themes of human forgetfulness as well as questions about the infinite. Being Panamanian, it is a small way of honouring the language and ways of thinking that are closest to me.

Trying to understand the phenomenon described, I gathered information and visual research from ideas of divinity, religion, fractal geometry and representations of infinity as mathematical equations. The repetition of a same image and a thing comprised of infinite versions of the same thing evolved to become the base of my design. In my head, this is a representation of a complex question leading to a simple answer.

* 1:25 scale model, imagined as a physical theatre piece and set at the Barbican Theatre.


aleph storyboard 1.jpg
aleph storyboard 2.jpg


characters aleph.png

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